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The TRENTOS Training

This one-week course introduces the fundamental aspects of TRENTOS, a novel seL4®-based secure embedded operating system developed by HENSOLDT Cyber.  The course is split in a lecture part, which covers the theoretical background including the basic aspects of seL4 and CAmkES, and a practical part that provides a basic case in order to teach participants how to create their very first TRENTOS application.

HENSOLDT Cyber’s TRENTOS training has received interim endorsement as seL4 training by the seL4 Foundation.


TRENTOS is a seL4® based operating system. With the Trusted Entity Operating System (TRENTOS), HENSOLDT Cyber provides secure IT from the bottom up, by building upon the mathematically proved seL4 microkernel and its software ecosystem and trusted open-source components. With the TRENTOS SDK, HENSOLDT Cyber provides a complete development environment that equips a developer with all the tools required for building, testing and deploying TRENTOS-based systems to the real world. The SDK contains the actual operating system (OS) source code, consisting of seL4, CAmkES and TRENTOS, but also offers a collection of additional resources designed to make developer’s work easier by increasing efficiency and reducing complexity.

For more information about TRENTOS, visit our blog

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For further information download our brochures:

TRENTOS Training